Monday 22 August 2011

Senior Year

I'm facing Senior Year this year started from July 2011. It will be a tough year for every 3rd grade students of High School. Hhh. Waktu berasa singkat banget ya kawan-kawan. Suddenly, it has already the final year of high school. Feeling happy? Or maybe sad? I feel it all. Tanyanya dari yang sedih dulu ya. Kenapa Nad kok sedih udah kelas 3? Iyalah. After this we're gonna leave school and face the college life. As for me sih ya, semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan lo, ya bakal semakin sulit buat mempertahankan yang udah didapet. Apalagi kalo kita ga rajin dan males-malesan. Apa kata dunia??? As the saying is "With great power, comes great responsibility". Terus senengnya apa? Senengnya ya karena kita udah mau LU-LUS (titik).

The first thing I think about senior year is TAKING UNIVERSITY. Yes, it is!. Where should I continue my study? Pastinya, I prefer to go to the state university. Tapi persaingannya itu ketat. Harus pinter-pinter milih pake strategi dan jangan asal. Gamau nyesel kan pastinya? Hahaha Terus jadinya lo mau masuk mana Nad? I'm still in a quandary. Pengen HI atau engga Sastra. Nah loh, kan lo anak IPA Nad, kok ngambil jurusan IPS? Nah itu dia masalahnya, masih bingung ane, gan. Sebenernya apa sih tujuan pemerintah buat ngebeda-bedain jurusan IPA/IPS? Ilmu itu kan luas dan terserah kita dong mau belajar apa sesuai yang kita pengen. Kalo dipaksa ya pasti hasilnya ga bakal maksimal huh. Masih mikir juga kira-kira jurusan IPA yang cocok buat gw apa -_-.

Biology. I like Bio. And this is the only lesson of science that I really care about hahah Now I also think to take major in Bio or something which is related. *sigh*

Math. I'm not really good at math, and sometimes I got depressed about something that I can't find the way out. And I can be easily give up *sighsigh*

Chemistry. Hmm. It's a bit hard for me although it's not that hard. Masih perlu dipertimbangkan. *sighsighsigh*

Physics. !!! Fisikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Can't stand it any longer. Bye. *sighsighsighsigh*

Eit eit eit tapi jangan salah loh. Gitu-gitu, sesuatu yang ga sama sekali kita bayangin bakal kita jalanin di masa depan, malah bakal jadi sumber penghidupan kita nanti. WOW! Yaaah yuk maree kita sama-sama berdoa minta yang terbaik aja sama Allah s.w.t. Alhamdulillah yah!

The second thing I think about senior year is UN. Lah kok UN kedua abis PTN Nad? Iya nih. Kalo buat UN ya, insya Allah bakal lulus 100%. Soalnya sekarang udah ga semuanya diliat dari nilai UN aja, tapi juga nilai sekolah turut dipertimbangkan. So, just be confident and give your best. Fighting!

Nah! Sisanya yang dipikirin sebagai senior student adalah tetek bengek bimbel, TO, seminar, deelel. But it's okay. As long as you do it happily, just wish you can pass it all naturally and get the best remark in every path you take.


*logo UI UNPAD sama-sama kuning ya ^^