Sunday 11 December 2011

This is the Title

Selamat malam! Okey, what am I going to write now with masker on my face? Any ideas? No? Neither do I. Soooo, BYE~

Sorry, that's just the opening (what kind of opening is that -,-). Now, I'm gonna share you about my life this last weeks. What's happening ya? Duh apadeh ya gini nih kalo mau ngepost tiba-tiba nge-blank. UAS had already done a week ago. And now the remedy are almost done too. Daaaan *jengjeng* nilai gue biasa aja, rata-rata cuma 82 kayaknya, yaa bersyukur, THANK GOD!
. Terus ada hot news apa Nad? Apa ya? Um maybe I would say "I've already MOVED ON" that's the first thing. I found this on Twitter:

"So let's ignore each other and pretend the other person doesn't exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn't supposed to be end like this" - @comedyortruth

It (almost) fits me perfectly. Yeah, the fact is I, the one who wants to be like this. Karena yaa, I want to be treated as a friend. That's it! Although it would never be the same like the old times. I wanna be available again. Tadi pas banget nonton Mario Teguh Golden Ways, terus he said that "You have to be firm whether you want to continue the relationship or end it. Make sure that you are available (or not) on the market again" LOL. Itu kata-kata yang terakhir terdengar agak sumbang ye. Ya nih intinya, make it clear maunya putus apa lanjut. And not looking back. Karena yang menghalangi kita buat maju adalah melihat ke belakang. Dan kita juga mesti make sure kalo kita udah available lagi di pasaran akakak. Ya kalo kita masih keliatan mesra sama "EX" ya kali orang mikirnya pasti "Ah ini mah bakal balik" faktanya? Nope! Nah kalo gitu, siapa yang mau deketin kita? Kita jadi ga masuk hitungan target orang kan, wk! Sumpah deh ini apa coba, we're not a thing, we're human. But, it's true! That is the fact whether it has pros and cons. Siapa sih yang gamau dapet yang lebih baik? That's why ya Facebook makes an option "It's Complicated" to the relationship status. Cause, it's so much damn complicated.

Talking about love would never has its ends. There will be more more and more that still need to be talked. Limitnya itu dari nol sampai tak hingga (wedeh gawat efek matek masih kebawa). In this labile period, I'm only gonna say "Enjoy your youth. You can't get back in time. When you're having fun, time flies."

Buat yang single, nikmatin ke-single-an lo. Buat yang double, nikmatin ke-double-an lo. (Duh ini advice ga kreatif banget parah). Buat yang di PHP-in, yang cuma jadi pelampiasan, yang masih ngarep-ngarep cemas, yang mau nembak tapi masih bingung, yang udah nembak ga diterima-terima, yang nembak tapi masih digantung, yang punya pacar tapi boong, yang maen serong, DAN yang baru putus (haduh anak sekarang banyak banget status percintaanya deh), saran tante, DON'T BE GALAU! We are young, (anggap aja) hidup kita masih panjang. Wake up from your sweet dreams and get your real dreams!


Thursday 17 November 2011


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Selamat pagi, Buenas Diaz, GOOD MORNING EVERYBADEH! It's 1 am in the morning. Status: Still awake~
Here I am again, see, udah lama ya ga posting. Mood-moodan sih. Udah yaaa terakhir abis lebaran itu deh (check downward to see when the last time I blogged). Okay. can you guess what I wanna share this morning? Ah lu mah ga jauh-jauh paling cerita sekolahan kan Nad? Iyap betul! But it's different, guys. Okeh ah ini besok sekolah ya dan lo tau, besok presentasi Jepang yang kartonnya dibikin sampe maghrib di sekolaan itu juga masih ada yang kurang, mana kelompok pertama lagi. Kan out of topic -_-. Straight to the point, I BROKE UP!
Miapaaaa Nad? Lebay~ Yeah it's our decision actually though he asked for it first then nothing I could say than "YES". Sedih? Sakit? Iya! First heart break I felt.
Um, have I told you about him before? No? Yes? Maybe yes maybe no? No answer? *krik* Dia ituuu blewer, benge. Let me tell you the truth, I accepted him not because I liked him first, but I did because of his effort to get me is (lumayan lah) worth it. Because he already known that I liked somebody else, but he still tried to get my attention (wedeh gawaaaat :3). Aaaaand I just gave him a chance, I thought that maybe he wasn't that benge inside. I would find out. And I did. He was a good boy, he treated me well. Ya mungkin juga ini the first time ya I had a boyfriend, jujur aja jadi yaa I don't have another boy to compare with. 5 months we were getting along.
In the 5th month, I felt he changed (a bit). Perilakunya aneh, naik turun, kadang baik banget mesrah (pake 'h') kayak biasa. Tapi kadang cueeeeek banget. Terus di sekolah juga aneh gitu, pernah dia jadi diem gitu. It's sooo not him! What was just happening? Yeah he said that he only made me embarrased at class. Hem, hell yeaaah, you did. And after bla...bla...bla... problems, we decided to end this relationship (not) happily.
Actually what I really wanted to share this morning is the "after", pasca, kejadian kelam itu. Okeh, kira-kira 3 hari pertama all I could do was crying if I remembered how we were. Seminggu pertama, udah engga nangis tapi (masih) belom ikhlas. Daaaaan seterusnya, BI-A-SA. Setelah putus ya, kita masih baik parah. Ya sebenernya itu sih, jujur aja ya, mau ga mau karena kita sekelas. I don't want make my class atmosphere not enjoyable like it used to. Gaenak lah ya udah tau temen sekelas itu semuanya gila, no days without laughing deh. Have fun parah pokoknya di kelas. Terus semua kesenangan yang ga bisa gue dapet kalo di rumah (karena sepi) disia-siain gitu aja cuma karena satu orang? Ya engga laaaah. Sabodo teuing deh.
AND! This is the top part of this "Junk". I just found out that he already taken with somebody else. Only 15 days after we BU. And I know who she is. The fact is she already closed with him since we were on. But from the clarification of him, he said that "Yeah, she likes me. But I'm not, Nad" Absolutely, truly believed him. Yah sudahlah. Pokoknya ada "something" dari penjelasannya itu yang masih gue ga ngerti, ambigu, ngambang, terbang-terbang. Now I know, dia itu kayaknya ga merasa nyaman sama gue karena kita sekelas. Dia, ga mau bikin malu gue lagi sama perilaku dia yang zuper duper sipirili benge di kelas. Okay I can't elaborate what "benge" means actually he is. Tapi yaaa you have to visit my class if you really really really wanna know. I must confess that he's a good looking boy, apalagi sekarang udah kurusan. Tapi you must be thinking twice after you see how he is at class. Like I did 5 years ago~ huft.
After I saw the status that blabla is in relationship with blabla I made this status


The question is, why I said "All this time was a lie and you make me realize that I'm too high for you"? Gila! Narsis banget lu Nad, bilang lo 'ketinggian' buat dia, siapa lo? Wedeh gawaaat jangan nyolot sih nanyanya, woles woles *tepukdadalanjutsaman* (lah). Gini gini, ini kan blog official gue ya, emang di sini tempatnya gue bikin klarifikasi semuanya BUAKAKAKAK cem iyaaa aja. Loh, gue ga asal ngomong loh ya, karena hubungan kita masih amat sangat baik (bahkan masih mesra (ga pake 'h')) kita itu malah jadi sering cerita gitu kenapa2nya gimana2nya. Nah dari situ gue tau banyak dan I can conclude that all this time he felt I didn't give my attention as much as he gave. Dibilangnya gue sering cuek gitu, ga kayak mantan2nya yang perhatian banget, soalnya katanya yang suka duluan itu dia, jadi gue cuek. Lah? Dan yang gue tau dari beberapa 'spy' gue, dia itu ga suka kalo gue deket-deket akrab banget pas lagi nanya pelajaran gitu. Yaaa cuma ke 'beberapa' orang aja sih emang, ga semua. Tapi ya, hellloooooo itu lagi belajar yaa. Yaudahlah skip aja. Jealous mah biasa. Nah yang gue maksud dengan "too high" adalah dia ga bisa berpikir seperti cara gue berpikir. Dia dewasa kok, tapi pemikiran dia itu masih kadang objektif dan cuma liat dari satu sisi aja. Jadi kita ga seimbang gitu pemikirannya. Padahal gue seneng kalo ngeliat dia lagi serius sama sesuatu, cuma sedihnya dia begitu itu jarang banget ;(. Nah itu!
Terus kenapa gue bilang "all this time was a lie"? Ya jadi ternyata feeling ga enak yang selama ini, terutama di bulan kelima ya itu ternyata bener kan. Yang gue bilang di atas tadi penjelasan dia masih ngambang-ngambang itu kan that makes me can't believe him like before. It proved at last. Time does talk the truth. It releases facts. Bener kan wanita itu (sebut saja dia Mawar), dia emang, maap ya, centil. Dan kalian tau guys? *nadasokasik* Pas udah ada status blabla turns from "in a relationship" to "single", langsung di like yaaa, isengnya gue nge-like juga deh -,-. Widiiih ngarep banget ya Mba?!? Ambil tuh!

"My parents taught me to give my toys to the less fortunate… that’s why I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else." taken from Twitter - @idillionaire

Hope you both will happy :) Surely you will be more happy with someone that love you first than someone that you love first because you don't have to take more struggle to get her, as you did to me. However, because of that, I feel I'm special, high. hahahaha :D
First, thank you for giving me such a feeling in a "more than friend" relationship that I firstly in. Second, thank you for loving, missing, and giving me such a huge of attention that I can't turn it back as huge as you do. And the last, thank you for showing me that you're not good enough for me, can't fit me as well. But still ya, JOHAN. Jodoh di tangan Tuhan. We never know :).
05/08/2011 - 10/27/2011

Sunday 25 September 2011

Mudik 2011

Mudiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik! Who doesn't know Mudik? In English: Back to hometown. Mudik or pulang kampung is like a habitual activity for Indonesian when the end of fasting month comes. I think it's because many of transmigrants who move from village to town especially Jakarta. So when Idul Fitri comes they want to celebrate it with their whole family in their hometown. Dan tahun ini, gue MUDIK! Yap! After long time ga pulang kampung finally this year, my Dad, out of the blue ngajakin pulang kampung. H-4 sebelum kita jalan ckck. Tumben banget kan ya gimana gue ga kaget -_-. Actually, karena keluarga besar gue udah banyak yang di Jakarta jadi jarang banget pulang kampung. Biasanya sih paling ke Sukamandi aja tuh ya tempatnya my grand-grandma (nenek buyut). But she had already passed away so we barely go there now.

And for this time gue pulang ke kampung Ayah, yaitu Purworejo. It's in Central Java. 2jam dari Jogja. Biasanya, normally, dari Jakarta ke Purworejo itu cuma 10 jam. BUT. Sumpah ini mudik terparah yang gue alamin sepanjang 17 tahun menapakkan kaki di bumi. I think it's all because my Mum who wanted to go there H-3 Lebaran. Itu lagi masa-masa puncaknya arus mudik, hell-oooo. Katanya sih ya si Momski pengen ngerasain pulkam pas jam-jam segitu (ngerasain sih ngerasain Ma tapi ya ga segininya juga kaliiii -,-). Let me tell you the chronology. My family and I went from Bekasi on Saturday (08/27) at 10 pm. And you know what? Kita, nyampenya itu hari SENIN. Hari apa? SENIN, MONDAY! Huft. Padahal mestinya kita bisa nyampe sana itu ya paling lama hari Minggu malem -_-. Dan yang paling parah itu ya kita masih puasa ;(((. Panasnyaaa, cobaannyaaaaa. Itu berat banget. Di tengah-tengah teriknya matahari dan uap panas hasil pembakaran mesin mobil yang naik ke permukaan (mobil gue Suzuki Carry 1.5 tanpa AC) semua penghuni mobil berpuasa kecuali satu kucrut tuh ade gue yang masih TK, Khayla Azzahra. Pas lagi macet, stuck, sooo many street vendors who offered their goods said, "Mijon....Mijon....Qua dingin.....Qua dingin...." Damn! Pengen banget gue teriak ke muka Abangnya, "Woy Bang! Masih bulan puasa kaleee, dagang sih dagang tapi itu botol dinginnya tutupin pake terpal kek apa kek bikin nafsu aja" Astaghfirullahalazim, langsung lah gue istighfar. Ini bener-bener puasa terberat yang pernah gue jalanin kayaknya :(. Yaudah intinya itu macet semacet-macetnya ya no need to be explained more, kalo masih penasaran rasain sendiri deh gih, gue sih ogah~

Nah ini salah satu ekspresi putus asa gara-gara macet :p

Pas macet banyak outlet telor asin sepanjang jalan daerah Brebes

Skip the talk with the traffic. Now, I'll tell you about my hometown. Purworejo. Berasal dari kata Purwo dan Rejo. Artinya Nad? Artinya? Pengen banget tau artinya? Gatau. Itu gue ngasal aja biar keliatan beneran, intermezzo doang... Purworejo itu kota kabupaten biasa, ga ada Mall ga ada bioskop. Yang gue tau tempat kongkow-kongkow di sana cuma alun-alun yang ada Mesjid Agungnya sama pohon Beringin di tengah lapangan alun-alun. Iya beneran deh sama kayak di alun-alun Jogja. Di Kutoarjo juga gitu loh. Kayaknya emang udah ciri khas kali ya. Ini kampungku, mana kampungmu?

Di sana ya gue cuma muter-muter ke rumah sodara, silaturahim (apa silaturahmi? -_-) terus ke pasar Baledono (pasar tradisional gitu ga jauh beda sama pasar Senen). Salat Ied nya di Masjid Agung Purworejo. Ehiya terus gue, Momski, and the Sistah ngajakin Ayah ke pantai. Yaudah itu hari keberapa abis lebaran gitu ya, kita ke pantai santai-santai melambai~~. Namanya pantai Gelagah sama pantai Condek, Condet, Codet apa apa gitu gue lupa, duh!

Di pasar Baledono (please itu sideground nya ga enak ya, underwear -,-)

Brangelina <3

That's all from me, thank you.

Eh belooooom. Udah ding abis itu engga ada scedule kemana-mana lagi, tadinya gue pengen ngajakin ke Malioboro tuh cuma buat belanja aja tapi Ayah gamau huh. After that, we decided to go back home on Friday (09/02), Nah Alhamdulillah on our way back to Bekasi ga semacet pas berangkat. Cuma macet di daerah Kebumen aja terus kesana-sananya lancaaaaaaar.

Alhamdulillah yah mudik kali ini sesuatu banget :). That's (really) all from me.


Saturday 24 September 2011

Senior Year Part 2

Hola! When I'm thinking that I don't write again in my blog, I find out that I've been missing it for a month. There're so much to write, SO MUCH! Oke, kita mulai dari yang pertama ya.

First we're talking about school. Engga akan ada habisnya deh kalo talking about school. The most time we have a day, we spend it at school. It's already 2 months I'm in senior year and for sure kegalauan akan Univ-univ masih akan terus berlanjut ya mungkin bahkan sampai UN menjelang *sigh*. Nilai apa kabar Nad? Alhamdulillah yah, sesuatu banget (fyi, these words are being popular and the most spoken of many teens and people in Indonesia). Nih gue kasih list nilai-nilai ulangan pelajaran exact gue:
Math: 70, 35, 20 (decreasing -_-)
Physics: 51, 47, 86 (Wow! Ajegile! Increasing PARAH!)
Bio: 80 (there's no exam again)
Chemis: There's no any exam (yet)
So, whaddaya think? See, it's kindda....yeah. Um..aaaah. Forget it. Don't ever judge me that I never study well. I did! Tapi lihat sendiri kan hasilnya tetep aja begitu mau udah belajar atau engga. That's me but that's not ONLY me. Yang dapet nilai-nilai nista itu juga banyak. At least gue bukan yang terjelek lah yaa. Lagian juga nilai itu emang penting but that's not everything because Allah sees the process not the result. Alibi aja lo Nad. Eh itu bener yaaa. Ya emang since I'm in 3rd grade of senior high, I did realize that it's not what I really like. Maksudnya gue ga begitu 'iya' banget sama Science. Terus kenapa lo milih IPA bukan IPS? (banyak tanya lo! CND) This question is always following the statement above. Let me explain. Actually, dibilang 'milih' sih engga juga ya, soalnya apa? Soalnya pas pembagian rapot kenaikan kelas di rapot udah dicantumin bahwa "NAIK KE KELAS XI IPA" *bunyigluduk*. Nah tuh kan. Eh tunggu sebenernya sih udah sempet ditanyain sama wali kelas mau masuk jurusan apa sebelum2nya dan gue bilang IPA yah yaudahlah yaa. At that time, gue juga banyak dapet masukan, katanya kalo di IPA itu lo bisa milih jurusan apa aja pas kuliah malah katanya banyak anak IPA yang ngambil lahan anak IPS (sorry to hear that) terus juga katanya kalo lo di IPA itu lo kebiasa belajar keras, ga nyantai kayak di pantai. Yaudahlah. Gue anggap statement itu jadi alasan jelas kenapa gue milih IPA karena gue selalu ngikutin lingkungan, kalo santai ikut santai kalo rajin ya ikut rajin. Everybody must be agree with me, right? No offense loh ya buat anak IPS gara2 gue bilang nyantai. Bukan gitu juga kok, semuanya tetep aja depends on the person nya ya :). Now I'm just enjoying with all this thing around my head. Because time can't be repeated. Hanya memohon yang terbaik sama Allah swt. AMIN. Berdoa juga jalan teruuuus. Good girl!

Second, we're talking! Suitsuit~~~ Kurang afdhal ya kalo in Senior High itu ga nyeritain masalah Cintah. Yang kali ini jadi topik masih orang yang sama kok ya. I've told you who my BF is. This time we get missunderstanding. Our communication is not as smooth as baby's skin. Pending lah ini lah itu lah. Udah pending pake ketiduran lah -,-. Engga jarang malah engga ada kabar seharian, entar udah maleeeeeem banget baru ada kabar itu juga jadinya "salam tidur". Sedih ga lo Nad? Sedih laaah :(((((. But I believe "Problems make the relationship even stronger". Tadinya ya quote itu gue bikin buat Odah tapi akhirnya, I dedicate this quote to all of the lovers, KEEP LOVING!♥ Karena ga ada kabar itu I feel like being ignored or something but finally I conscious that this is us! Ada lagi nih masalah yang kedua. He said that I'm too cuek (?) Engga ada kata yang lebih bisa mendeskripsikannya selain CUEK -_-". Ya, itu. Selain itu ada lagi sih but I can't tell you :p. I already apologize to him and so does he :) Clear.. Alhamdulillah yah.

Terus sekarang apa lagi? Mau share photo aja yah, cus~



@yogagalih's Bio on Twitter


In Chemis Lab with Andini and Ami. Read it "I Love U".

Monday 22 August 2011

Senior Year

I'm facing Senior Year this year started from July 2011. It will be a tough year for every 3rd grade students of High School. Hhh. Waktu berasa singkat banget ya kawan-kawan. Suddenly, it has already the final year of high school. Feeling happy? Or maybe sad? I feel it all. Tanyanya dari yang sedih dulu ya. Kenapa Nad kok sedih udah kelas 3? Iyalah. After this we're gonna leave school and face the college life. As for me sih ya, semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan lo, ya bakal semakin sulit buat mempertahankan yang udah didapet. Apalagi kalo kita ga rajin dan males-malesan. Apa kata dunia??? As the saying is "With great power, comes great responsibility". Terus senengnya apa? Senengnya ya karena kita udah mau LU-LUS (titik).

The first thing I think about senior year is TAKING UNIVERSITY. Yes, it is!. Where should I continue my study? Pastinya, I prefer to go to the state university. Tapi persaingannya itu ketat. Harus pinter-pinter milih pake strategi dan jangan asal. Gamau nyesel kan pastinya? Hahaha Terus jadinya lo mau masuk mana Nad? I'm still in a quandary. Pengen HI atau engga Sastra. Nah loh, kan lo anak IPA Nad, kok ngambil jurusan IPS? Nah itu dia masalahnya, masih bingung ane, gan. Sebenernya apa sih tujuan pemerintah buat ngebeda-bedain jurusan IPA/IPS? Ilmu itu kan luas dan terserah kita dong mau belajar apa sesuai yang kita pengen. Kalo dipaksa ya pasti hasilnya ga bakal maksimal huh. Masih mikir juga kira-kira jurusan IPA yang cocok buat gw apa -_-.

Biology. I like Bio. And this is the only lesson of science that I really care about hahah Now I also think to take major in Bio or something which is related. *sigh*

Math. I'm not really good at math, and sometimes I got depressed about something that I can't find the way out. And I can be easily give up *sighsigh*

Chemistry. Hmm. It's a bit hard for me although it's not that hard. Masih perlu dipertimbangkan. *sighsighsigh*

Physics. !!! Fisikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Can't stand it any longer. Bye. *sighsighsighsigh*

Eit eit eit tapi jangan salah loh. Gitu-gitu, sesuatu yang ga sama sekali kita bayangin bakal kita jalanin di masa depan, malah bakal jadi sumber penghidupan kita nanti. WOW! Yaaah yuk maree kita sama-sama berdoa minta yang terbaik aja sama Allah s.w.t. Alhamdulillah yah!

The second thing I think about senior year is UN. Lah kok UN kedua abis PTN Nad? Iya nih. Kalo buat UN ya, insya Allah bakal lulus 100%. Soalnya sekarang udah ga semuanya diliat dari nilai UN aja, tapi juga nilai sekolah turut dipertimbangkan. So, just be confident and give your best. Fighting!

Nah! Sisanya yang dipikirin sebagai senior student adalah tetek bengek bimbel, TO, seminar, deelel. But it's okay. As long as you do it happily, just wish you can pass it all naturally and get the best remark in every path you take.


*logo UI UNPAD sama-sama kuning ya ^^

Sunday 31 July 2011

Happy Fasting

Okay it's August and also Ramadhan!!! It means puasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Let's forget all the bad things from the old days. May Allah bless us :).
Marhaban ya Ramadhan ya Boys and Girls :3

Monday 4 July 2011

BALI!!! Part 4

Thursday, June 16th
In the morning, we had to get ready to check out from the hotel. It was the last day of us in Bali :(. And the schedule was Joger, Pasar Sukawati, and Tanah Lot. Time for shopping! I've got my present of my birthday in Joger. Can you guess from who? A a a a, Aa! His name was Ali Iqbal. He's a friend of mine. Friend or friend hayooo. Just friend everybody hahaha. Thank you A for the gift, I do like it :). And I also accompanied him for shopping. Next destination, Pasar Sukawati. As the plan, I wanted to buy some clothes for my family there, just like for gifts brought back from a trip (singkatnya oleh-oleh deh). I also helped Galih to find some clothes and bargained for him -_- he couldn't bargain. Every boy did. Yeah that's true. Look the fact. Uniquely, many of my boy friends (who didn't have or bring their 'girlfriend) looked for my girl friends to help them to get things in a low price *sigh. Ohya let me introduce Galih. He's my boyfriend, his name is Galih Yoganingwang :). *continuing* We succeed to get many things in low price. Actually, I didn't really good at bargaining because we could get lower price if we wanted too. The price we've got was not that good but that's worth it. That was the first time I was bargaining. Yeah, I can say that. After that we had lunch in Tanah Lot and enjoying the scenery there. There was a ceremony which was going in Tanah Lot. I didn't know what kind of ceremony was that. Why we had to go to the beach in the mid day while the sun shined so bright -,-? Why?
With Bu Woro (wali kelas) in the middle

At Hotel Nirmala after checking out

With Galih

With Pea
At Tanah Lot

I almost forgot to tell about our second tour guide while we were in Bali. Bli Wayan!!! Hahahah why he was so special? He was um yeah we could say he was jayus like Panca LOL. I understood that he acted like that just to make the situation while he was guiding was fun. Yeah he was funny until we couldn't laugh at all. Kidding! Now, we missed him so damn much wohoho lebaaaaay~ MISS YOU BLI WAYAN :3
Hiks hiks hiks we had to go back to Indonesia ups I mean Jakarta. The journey from Bali to Jakarta was the same. The difference was just when we crossed from Bali to Java, we were asleep because it was already late at night. So we didn't enjoy the sea like the day before. And also something bad happened to Bus 2. There was an accident. Fortunately, it wasn't so bad so we could continue the journey.

When lunch, we were gambling with foods

Mid night at Nirmala Hotel before sleeping. Playing UNO actually.

Friday, June 17th.
At twilight (maghrib), we arrived in Jogjakarta. As the schedule, we had to visit Bakpia 25 and Malioboro. Shopping again! But unfortunately my money started to limit :(. I didn't want to buy a lot. Just some accessories maybe. I walked along Malioboro street accompanied by Galih. Shopping together and he bought me some things too as he promised it would be my birthday present :). How beautiful night it was :3. If I could choose, I didn't want it passed so fast. Love you :*.
That would be the last from our trip Bali - Jogja. Finally we arrived in Jakarta on Saturday, June 18th savely. Alhamdulillah. A long trip and a lot of wonderful moments I've had with my friends especially Trichogaster, and my special one <3.

Warm regards,
From Jakarta - Bali - Jogja - Jakarta
June 12-18
With love XOXO

BALI!!! Part 3

Wednesday, June 15th.

The schedule for that day was all have fun! We're going to the beach! Tanjung Benoa and Kuta. In Tanjung Benoa we had some water sports and in Kuta, just strolling around. Hey you know? When we were in Kuta, it was in the mid day if I'm not mistaken. Hoah! I decided to just sit and watch. A bit regret because I didn't take any picture there :( I just made a tattoo in my leg.

Tanjung Benoa

The tattoo is in my right leg, I made it in Kuta

After Kuta we slided to Garuda Wisnu Kencana. We watched traditional dance performance and it's so interested. It told about the story of Hanoman, I guess. Oh ya. That day was special because we had dinner outdoor at Jimbaran Cafe with beach atmosphere and that was so so so romantic and beautiful <3. Back to hotel. Uh yeah that night I didn't directly go to bed (again) because it would be the last night we stayed in Nirmala Hotel. So we planned to make some farewell party. Hah? What? Noooo! I just went to Mc Cafe which was not so far from the hotel, with some of my friends and they were all boys *sigh.

At Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Dinner at Jimbaran Cafe

At Mc Cafe (Jl. Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Bali)