Sunday 11 December 2011

This is the Title

Selamat malam! Okey, what am I going to write now with masker on my face? Any ideas? No? Neither do I. Soooo, BYE~

Sorry, that's just the opening (what kind of opening is that -,-). Now, I'm gonna share you about my life this last weeks. What's happening ya? Duh apadeh ya gini nih kalo mau ngepost tiba-tiba nge-blank. UAS had already done a week ago. And now the remedy are almost done too. Daaaan *jengjeng* nilai gue biasa aja, rata-rata cuma 82 kayaknya, yaa bersyukur, THANK GOD!
. Terus ada hot news apa Nad? Apa ya? Um maybe I would say "I've already MOVED ON" that's the first thing. I found this on Twitter:

"So let's ignore each other and pretend the other person doesn't exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn't supposed to be end like this" - @comedyortruth

It (almost) fits me perfectly. Yeah, the fact is I, the one who wants to be like this. Karena yaa, I want to be treated as a friend. That's it! Although it would never be the same like the old times. I wanna be available again. Tadi pas banget nonton Mario Teguh Golden Ways, terus he said that "You have to be firm whether you want to continue the relationship or end it. Make sure that you are available (or not) on the market again" LOL. Itu kata-kata yang terakhir terdengar agak sumbang ye. Ya nih intinya, make it clear maunya putus apa lanjut. And not looking back. Karena yang menghalangi kita buat maju adalah melihat ke belakang. Dan kita juga mesti make sure kalo kita udah available lagi di pasaran akakak. Ya kalo kita masih keliatan mesra sama "EX" ya kali orang mikirnya pasti "Ah ini mah bakal balik" faktanya? Nope! Nah kalo gitu, siapa yang mau deketin kita? Kita jadi ga masuk hitungan target orang kan, wk! Sumpah deh ini apa coba, we're not a thing, we're human. But, it's true! That is the fact whether it has pros and cons. Siapa sih yang gamau dapet yang lebih baik? That's why ya Facebook makes an option "It's Complicated" to the relationship status. Cause, it's so much damn complicated.

Talking about love would never has its ends. There will be more more and more that still need to be talked. Limitnya itu dari nol sampai tak hingga (wedeh gawat efek matek masih kebawa). In this labile period, I'm only gonna say "Enjoy your youth. You can't get back in time. When you're having fun, time flies."

Buat yang single, nikmatin ke-single-an lo. Buat yang double, nikmatin ke-double-an lo. (Duh ini advice ga kreatif banget parah). Buat yang di PHP-in, yang cuma jadi pelampiasan, yang masih ngarep-ngarep cemas, yang mau nembak tapi masih bingung, yang udah nembak ga diterima-terima, yang nembak tapi masih digantung, yang punya pacar tapi boong, yang maen serong, DAN yang baru putus (haduh anak sekarang banyak banget status percintaanya deh), saran tante, DON'T BE GALAU! We are young, (anggap aja) hidup kita masih panjang. Wake up from your sweet dreams and get your real dreams!



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