Saturday 25 July 2015


"No matter where we go, we'll always find our way back home" Andy Grammer - Back Home

Home, the place where our odd acts never be questioned, the place where no one complains about how we look.

Home, generate a human by love. Everyone has their own role. Father works, earns some money, runs out of money, earns some more, grows old. Mother gives birth, looks for children, cooks good foods, managing whole family and also earns some cash maybe, grows old. Children learn new things, obey the parent's rules, break it, deny it, grow up. They never hesitate to show their affection for each other in the form of deeds.

Home should feel warm. Every member of the house talks softly as they asks about something. Home never felt so quiet when there's always family to chat to. It's the place that always have prime time to open up to one another, share things. The older would listen, the younger one would respect. Even the people in the same roof ain't always have the same thought and perspective for everything, they still get along. Not because having the same blood type streaming inside the pulse or having the look-a-like feature, but because understanding to one another is compulsory. Strong commitment and honesty are two non-negotiable things in a family. Even for the most stubborn person who often did mistakes, no one took it into account. Forgiving and forgetting.

For me, simple, home is somewhere I can find my dad, my mum, and my siblings, also my granny my grandpa. I made a hard choice once to broaden my limit into whole lot bigger and wider while I moved out from home to another city. I was just starting to become a trainee of hard life coaching and challenge myself to create a new valour to face the world. As years gone by, as I barely back, home never feel that 'home'. All the words typed above, are things that my home relatively couldn't depicted of. So comfortless, cheerless, joyless. The two main core of this home, separated by thoughts. No one could find the affiliation way, even if it's me. They're just busy by their own things in different room. Home...well, that could be just a word.

Well, God is the best creator and the best director of this life. I couldn't choose what kind of home I wanted to join in, what kind of character and attitude of parents that I yearn of, or how big my home would be. Thank God for still letting me having this perfectly imperfect home to always come back to. I pray to God to always bless my home which can be suitable to live in harmony and bring back the warmth so I can still call it as home for long term period, like forever.

Friday 24 July 2015

Love is...

When I say that love isn’t something we invented. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean something. Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing. We love people who have died. Where’s the social utility in that? None. Maybe it means something more, something we can’t yet understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. I’m drawn across the universe to someone I haven’t seen in decade who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it yet.

-Quoted from Interstellar movie-

Being Independent

“Don’t be a woman that needs man, be a woman that man needs”. That saying is so encouraging, ya. As a girl in legal age now, I can take that saying as a challenge. Why challenge? Because it can be a measurement of how independent I could be as a girl who’s going on to be a young woman. Sebenernya menurutku sombong sih kalo dibilang, perempuan mandiri itu sama sekali tidak butuh laki-laki. Allah udah nyiptain manusia berpasang-pasangan (aku percaya banget), jadi tenang aja, everybody deserves one (not more). Kalo seperti itu, terkesan menjadi perempuan yang tidak punya hati dan keras. Hiii, serem juga.

Take things positively! Bukan berarti perempuan mandiri itu mukanya jutek, jarang senyum, suka nyinyir, senengnya nyuruh-nyuruh, dan kemana-mana sendirian (kok ngenes ya). Mereka punya ciri khusus seperti di bawah ini:

1. Keeping busy.
Sibuk disini bukan berarti ga punya waktu sama sekali. It means that she always have time for everything. She keeps in mind what the things she’s gonna do every single day and how she’s gonna do it all. So, no time for just bugging around to another people especially man species. She’s busy in the way of reaching her dreams.

2. Intelligence is the important key.
Ini bukan lagi jamannya Kartini yang buat perempuan sekolah aja susah sekali. This is the era that women existence are needed in every aspect of life. Dan jangan pernah ngerasa rendah kalo dibilang, “Halah cewek ngapain toh sekolah tinggi-tinggi, kan nantinya juga di rumah ngurus anak”. Hey! Justru itu misi utama tugas mulia perempuan, menjadi madrasah pertama anak-anaknya kelak. Terus kalo waktu muda emaknya ga bener sekolahnya, bakal jadi apa madrasah pertama anak-anaknya kelak? And also, whether you guys have the same perception with me or not, I think, a girl with high intelligence is very sexy. Aku pribadi bener-bener stand ovation sama prestasi akademiknya Emma Watson and Maudy Ayunda. Idk how. I just love them as a role model and picturing so well how a girl should do and act.

3.  High principal
She’s never afraid doing many things by her own if there’s no one that could lend a hand. When people say no, it’s actually when she can be better, because of those refuses, it only strengthen her to do many things herself. High principal women disini juga adalah orang punya dasar kuat akan hidupnya. Dia ga perlu lagi dalam melakukan sesuatu harus ada teman atau orang dikenal melakukan hal yang sama. “With great power comes great responsibilities”. Perempuan tidak selalu menjadi makhluk dengan jawaban “ngikut”. However, she’ll decide.

4. Sociable
Terus ketika perempuan menjadi mandiri dan belum punya pacar/pasangan, justru itu ngebawa mereka untuk bisa membuat lingkaran pergaulan yang lebih luas dan banyak. Being sociable shows how women have that kind of warm-hearted.

5. Hobby do-er
There’s always time to relax and do some hobbies. Jadi perempuan mandiri ga mesti harus kesepian, tapi waktu kosongnya bisa digunain buat melakukan hobi seperti baca buku, menjahit, menulis cerita, atau mungkin naik gunung.

6. Being ready, not needy  
Sebenernya perempuan mandiri ga harus jomblo/sendiri kok, tapi yang mau dibahas kali ini adalah ketika kasusnya perempuan mandiri itu lagi….jomblo. In this case, women is recommended to take everything slow about relationship. Personal aku sendiri ya, sedikit jutek dan dingin ngadepin laki-laki itu perlu laah. Karena kodratnya perempuan kalo udah sayang pasti ga akan cuek, jadi ketika masih sendiri dan banyak godaan, coba aja buat berlaku sedikit ‘jual mahal’. Gapapa kok buat nunjukin kalo kita mandiri dan perfeksionis, gausah takut bakal ga ada yang berani deketin. Because when someone is ready to settle with you, he will see you beyond perfection and still want you. Jadi persiapkan diri menjadi perempuan yang ‘siap’, daripada Cuma karena ‘butuh’.

Those lists are only small part of the characteristics of an independent woman. There’s wider perception and no exact limit of how independent woman should do. All women are crazy, it’s just a question of degree. Just treat her with respect and kindness.

Sunday 12 July 2015

The Pale Blue Dot

That’s home, that’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was lived out their lives. Every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there on the mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. How frequent their misunderstandings, how fervent their hatreds. Our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. All this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. It underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.

-It's taken from the epilog of Men, Women, and Children movie-

The Unfinished

This is not a story about love. This is a story about two people (or maybe more). A boy met a girl. They worked together in a place. They shared story they shared the fun. They were also in the same circle. Time made them bounded. Time made the magic. The girl started to realize herself, that she saw the boy differently. The boy, still denying himself about what’s going on.

The boy had another girl. It’s someone that he closed to. The girl buried her feeling. She thought that the boy and his girl would end into something. They kept a distance for each other.

There’s one time (or two or more times), they had the time to be honest to one another. After that, they realized how things were going between them. But that’s not that simple. They still had their ups and downs. Heemm they’re still not sure. It’s about their circle. The circle consists of so many people. People get involved in that circle, make them kept running round and round and didn’t find the edge. They lose their hopes. It just flew away. Oh how the girl wished that the boy could less arrogant and less selfish…

They kept the distance again. They didn’t know how far the distance is, they just keep it as that is. They’re far but the heart still cares.

Again, this is not a love story. It’s a story about two people who find each other but choose to run. It’s a story about two people who agree to disagree. It never has been started, it’s just unfinished