Sunday 29 January 2012


What? What is that, "GAYUNG"? What kind of post is it, Nad? Wait! You wouldn't believe me before you read it. You must be shocked but after the end of this post you will be opened that many stories could be made from "GAYUNG". I have a story to be told to you. It's horror. Prepare your room to have this creepy atmosphere and prepare yourself too. One day, lived a Granny, alone. When she wanted to go to shower, she forgot to bring her lovely gold scoop that she named it as "GAYUNG". And then she went back into her room but unfortunately the door was locked! She couldn't escape until she die. The days later, many people admitted that they ever saw the Granny was going around her house looking for her GAYUNG. THE END~ BUAKAKAKAK cerita apa ini???? Aneh banget ye, gantung banget. Sekarang gini deh, emang neneknya ga bisa teriak minta tolong apa ya atau engga yang paling gampang nembus tembok deh (lah). Mungkin cerita tersebut perlu dilengkapi gitu ya, "Hidup seorang nenek sebatang kara yang tinggal di tengah belantara hutan tanpa TV, tanpa internet apalagi hotspot -_-." How pity you are Gran. Wish you will get your prince from Omegle later then you could live happily ever after :3.
Bukaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Itu bukan cerita aslinya! Jadi gini, ini gatau hoax atau crap darimana ya, nih ada kutipan berita:

"Menurut cerita dan isu yang beredar tentang nenek gayung ini, disebutkan bahwa si nenek berkeliaran di sekitar wilayah Jakarta Timur. Biasanya si nenek bergayung ini akan mengajak ngobrol korbannya. Jika korban menanggapi dan melayani ajakan obrolan dari sang nini-nini tersebut, maka biasanya tak lama kemudian akan mati... Wew.. serem juga ya.

Isu lain menyebutkan bahwa jika korban bercakap-cakap dengan si nenek, maka malamnya si nenek akan datang, menggelar tikar dan memandikan korban dengan GAYUNGnya, dan biasanya, esoknya si korban akan meninggal... wiwwwwwww."
taken from

Hastagah! Apa lagi sih itu? Believe it or not aja ya. Tapi bagi gue sih ini jenaka banget! Kenapa mesti GAYUNG? Tikar? Eh GAYUNG itu bukannya peribahasa ya "Sekali GAYUNG dua tiga pulau terlampaui"? Okeh itu dayung! Eh dayung tuh bukannyaaaa ah udah sih! This must be serious! We're talking about Nenek GAYUNG yaaa dan gue yakin dia sekarang pasti keteknya gatel gara-gara lagi kita omongin -,-. How do you think guys about this story? Percaya ga siiiih? Kita sebagai masyarakat madani (Madani masjid yang di polres deket Galas #outoftopic) yang sudah maju ini masih percaya sama mitos-mitos gazebo ini. Ih jujur ya sebel banget dengernya, tapi lucu! GAYUNGnya itu yang bikin lucu! :DDD
Ini Nenek


Nenek Gayung

Ohiya ada lagi yang lucu tentang GAYUNG. There's another story, and this one called "Goyang GAYUNG". Apalagi iniiiiii *jedotinkepalaketembok*. Kalo ini ga serem gan. Sebenernya ini kayaknya diambil dari sebuah commercial provider handphone deh. Nah di iklannya itu ada Goyang GAYUNG, eh bener ga sih. Gatau juga deh, for exact the Goyang GAYUNG has been the trending topic in Versailles. THE END~

Nah! Yang ini baru namanya Goyang GAYUNG..

So, for the conclusion I have two stories about GAYUNG. Maybe it's not important for you, but it's really important for the GAYUNG's inventor. They will feel really proud that their invention become phenomenon and legend even the trending topic on Twitter.

Sunday 22 January 2012


It's time for me to share to you about my (will be) last class of senior high. XII IPA 2! And we named it as VERSAILLES. Since the BT photo shoot. What's the short of 'Versailles' Nad? Dunno. Lupa, duh tanya Andini deh -_-". The most important is, now, IPA 2 gets its name. Yeay! Dan sekarang apaaaaaa? I'm going to tell you about the 'creatures' who stay under the roof of Versailles.
Me, my self, personally, say that my class is full of JOKESTER a.k.a. PELAWAK!

Kenapa? Ya jelas terlihat dari anak-anaknya. There's no day without laughing because of a joke that somebody throw to the whole class. Wait, I still need inspiration to write down about my class (brb buka foto). And there they are:

Check them out! Look how strong their muscles are.

Back to Alaynism

Say, RAWR!

Check Tyas's style!

Taufan, Achmad, Fadhli (the most lawak people)

That's Ugi! (the middle little one haha)


"Pictures do say thousand words"