Monday 4 June 2012

Graduation 13 Senior High 2012

Graduation. Hhhh had been graduating on May 22nd. What's the story on my senior high graduation? TE-LAT. Yeah, LATE. I was coming late. It's because the 'Ibu-ibu Salon' yang telat nyalonin gue dan Vira, huft. Kita udah dateng on time (re: Vira udah dateng on time dan gue telat dikit) eh ibunya lama. We had an agreement to come by at 5 am, so early ya. Tapi apa daya, jam karet -_-". We were picked up by Vira's father at 7 am and we went to Balai Samudra togetha. Walhasil sampe Balsam jam setengah 8 dan walhasil ga ikut foto bareng wali kelas dan kelas. Howaaaaa :((( edodoe sedihnya minta ampun :((( Who's gonna be blamed of? Ohiya masa ya make-up nya kayak ondel-ondel -___-" putih banget bedaknya, ga natural HUFT. Kalo hair-do nya sih emmm kurang puas sih sebenernya, yang gue kasih contohnya ga gitu soalnya -_- Gamau di salon itu lagi lah~

Perhatiin make-up gue sama Vira, bandingin sama Mamot. Btw we three are in red <3

Syudahlah syudah mari kita berwisuda-ria. First of all, we all gathered at the lobby of Balsam to come into the ballroom class per class. Before that, we didn't want to lose some opportunities to take some pictures, and you can see how my make-up was. Hideous. Horrible. Disaster.

After we sat down on our own chair, the graduation had started. Begin with the speech from the principal, chief of School Committee, etc. Suddenly, there's a 'Flashback' video which is showing our last photos since freshman maybe. OMG, how embarrassing and funny at the same time, LOL. And the top of the ceremony was the graduation itself. We were called one by one to come to the stage and receive the medal and a report book. After that we took some pictures again. Yeaaah just so so sih sebenarnya wisudaan itu. Dari tahun ke tahun gitu-gitu aja. Ohiya there's something too. There was an announcement of 3 best students at Science and Social Department. And I was none of them hehehe. That's it. Sebenernya tahun lalu tuh banyak nominasi ini itu macem-macem tapi sekarang cuma nominasi itu aja. Pelit kali mahal beli piala wakakak.


My girls {}

Happy Tree Family

"There is a good reason they call these ceremonies, 'commencement exercises'. Graduation isn't the end, it's the beginning." - Orrin Hatch

"School's out, memories past. Don't ever doubt, our friendship will last."

"Your schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues."

Freshly graduate,


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